Community Postings and Job Board

Any given week during the year, there is so much happening in the community. Check back each week for an updated list of Jewish jobs and community wide events!
Community Postings
Check out events, jobs, and other info from community organizations. Want to get something added here? Email
On-site Host - Part-Time Hourly Role
Urban Adamah is an educational farm and community center in Berkeley, California that integrates the practices of Jewish tradition, mindfulness, sustainable agriculture, and social justice to build loving, just, and sustainable communities.
We are looking for enthusiastic individuals to be stewards of the Urban Adamah community during the High Holidays season and beyond. If you have an interest in event production, hospitality, and/or Jewish programs and rituals, this would be a great fit! Click here for more information.
Be a part of something bigger! Shalom Bayit, the Bay Area’s only Jewish domestic violence services organization, is having its annual celebration in April and we want you to participate. This year’s Creating Hope: Drawing from Miriam’s Well event will be held in person at the SFJCC on April 18th at 6pm. We truly would love (and need) your help as a volunteer for this event. Please contact to let us know if you want to be part of our incredible event team, and what volunteer role(s) you’d like to take on. All volunteers receive dinner (kosher vegetarian) and our infinite appreciation. Some Creating Hope volunteer roles include:
Pre-event: Checklists, office tasks, outreach, packing up, loading
Event Day: Set up, load in/out, décor, dining room, registration, vaccination check, coat check, greeter, usher, Gift of the Heart auction runner, gift distribution, clean up
Post Event: Unpacking at the office, thank you letters
Volunteer with Shalom Bayit!
Join a Multi-generational Group Discussion on a Post Oct 7 World
Join Claudia and Laura, two facilitators in conflict mediation and group process to delve into tough conversation in a safe place. If you are interested, contact Claudia Miller ( or Laura Paradise ( The group will be limited to eight people. Find more info here.
KAHAL at JDC Entwine is here to connect Jewish students to local Jewish communities while they are studying or interning abroad. Whether you are looking for holiday celebrations, shabbat dinners, or just social connections with other Jewish students, we can make those connections so that you can have a supportive community wherever you are in the world. Engage with us however much and however often you wish – our resources are free, and students do not have to commit to anything when they get in touch. Connect with us here!
Join the KAHAL Abroad Network
Join BBYO as a Summer 2024 Madrichim Staff
BBYO (B’nai B’rith Youth Organization) is hiring for several summer positions for college students. Serve as a role model for participants as a young Jewish adult and an exemplary BBYO alum, translating past BBYO experiences into learning opportunities for participants. Display how the AZA and BBG movement meaningfully expands beyond high school years. Learn more about the positions, requirements, and details, and apply here!
Jewish Family and Children’s Services invites current college students to apply to the YouthFirst College Internship program. This is a great opportunity for those who are motivated and inspired to lead teens in putting their values into action through community service. Interns are paid $20/hour for 10 hours a week, including one Sunday/month. Positions are available in our San Francisco and San Mateo offices. Apply here!For further questions, email Deb Massey ( or call 415-359-2477
JFCS College Internship
Front Desk Receptionist at the JCC
The JCC East Bay is currently looking for a college students to work as a part time front desk receptionist. The job is for someone who can work from 3pm-6pm, Monday through Friday, and pays $20.62/hour. Find more information here and reach out to Rachel ( with any questions.