Shabbat at Berkeley Hillel

זכור את יום השבת לקדשו

Remember the day of Shabbat to keep it holy 

We’re so happy you’re spending Shabbat with us. Shabbat is an opportunity to unplug from the week and plug into rest of all kinds. On shabbat, we invite you to step away from school, technology, and other stressors of the week, and step into holy rest and celebration!

We bring in Shabbat together every week with candle lighting and Kabbalat shabbat  at 6:00 p.m., followed by a delicious home-cooked Shabbat dinner. We’ll also leave candles out for you all night so you can light on your own time. And in the winter, feel free to come by earlier to light candles as the sun sets. Kabbalat Shabbat offers  a joyful prayer space that incorporates songs and traditions from various Jewish practices. We strive to be inclusive and accessible to the whole community, and we thrive with your feedback! Interested in leading a part of the service? Want to bring a melody you love? A poem you want to share? Some words of Torah to teach? Let Rav Maya know, or be in touch if you want to learn how to do any of those things! At dinner, connect with friends, hear some words about the weekly Torah portion, and delight in Shabbat rest. 

We can’t wait to celebrate Shabbat with you!