LA Parent Parlor

Berkeley Hillel LA Parents’ Parlor Meeting held at a private home in Pico Robertson on Thursday, November 16th at 7:00 p.m.

Host Committee (as of October 1, 2023)

Lenny and Keren Dunn, Parents of Michael (’27)
Joshua and Nikki Feldman, Parents of Lily (’27)
Zev and Karen Fried, Parents of Lucy (‘24)
Mark and Shelly Hiskey, Parents of Anna (’26)
Laurie and Michael Kamras, Parents of Alex(‘27)
Alan and Lisa Petlak, Parents of Andrew (‘26)
Mark and Vicki Rothman, Parents of Noah (’24)
Stuart and Betty Tochner, Parents of Maya and Jonah (’25)

Message from the Dunns and Feldmans:

Dear Friends,

Please join us for an evening of community building to learn about Berkeley Hillel and meet fellow Los Angeles area parents. We will be joined by Rabbi Adam Naftalin-Kelman, Berkeley Hillel’s longtime Executive Director, who will share information and updates. Additionally, we will hear from a current Cal student, who will share the impact Hillel has had on their college experience. There will also be opportunities to socialize and ask questions.

We’re thrilled that our respective children, Lily and Michael, have found a home at Hillel from the moment they arrived on campus. In just their first few weeks, they’ve attended Shabbat dinners, mid-week BBQs, the freshman retreat, and high holiday services and celebrations. As parents, we are so grateful they have found a warm, welcoming, and vibrant Jewish community at Hillel. We believe it is our responsibility to support the dynamic and engaging work that defines Berkeley Hillel. We will be asking you to join the Berkeley Bear Mishpacha with a minimum gift of $500.

We look forward to seeing you and celebrating Berkeley Hillel together.

Nikki & Josh Feldman and Keren & Lenny Dunn