The Justice and Education is a new partnership between BOSS (Building Opportunities for Self Sufficiency) and Berkeley Hillel. This internship will allow Berkeley students to mentor and tutor youth living in temporary housing provided by BOSS. The internship consists of two components, weekly tutoring and mentorship at the Children’s Learning Center in West Berkeley (Tuesdays from 5-7) and 3 seminars (date/time to be determined) throughout the semester covering issues of housing insecurity and education inequality, and how they intersect with Jewish values around justice. This will be a deeply immersive experience for students interested in having a serious impact on and engaging in deep learning around the issues facing the Berkeley community we call home.


Justice & Education Internship

  • In addition to tutoring the students we'll be providing other experiences for the students. Please tell us about other things you can bring to the students, anything from sports, music, circus, and storytelling is welcome!
    By checking this box I am stating that I understand the commitment and responsibilities of the Justice & Education. This internship will require weekly tutoring from around 5-7 every Tuesday. Additionally, there will be 3 seminars throughout the semester that I will attend. Finally, I understand that I will be working with housing insecure youth dealing with difficult circumstances, and that the work may be challenging at times.