Grad Students

Welcome to Grads
@ Berkeley Hillel!

Berkeley Hillel is happy to support a group of graduate/professional students for social and educational opportunities.  You can be a part of the on-campus Organization of Jewish Graduate Students (OJGS) by emailing You’ll be added to a listserv to stay up to date on any gatherings or events. You can also check out the Facebook page HERE!

Join us at Berkeley Hillel’s weekly Jewish Community BBQ and Shabbat Experience!

Look for the “Grads @ Berkeley Hillel” sign on the table.

Torah on Tap for Grads:

Join Rav Maya (mzinkow@berkeleyhillel. org) for three opportunities to learn in community over a cold one at Edmund’s: February 8, March 14, and April 11, 7:30-9:00 p.m. Be one of the first ten to arrive and “make the minyan,” and your drink is on us!

Shabbat Experience:

Every Friday evening, 6:00 p.m. candle lighting and services,  dinner immediately following, at Berkeley Hillel.

Weekly Jewish Community BBQ:

Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 p.m., at Berkeley Hillel

Have questions? Contact Natalie, Associate Director at Berkeley Hillel, at

Interested in getting more involved in the wider Bay Area Jewish young adult community? Check out some of these organizations and programs below! Click on the name to be brought to their website, or reach out to the contact to grab coffee and learn more.

Base is the home of a Rabbinic family which serves as a home-base, a grounding point for young adults and their friends. While each Base reflects the personality of the Rabbinic couple and embodies their vision for a vibrant Jewish community, every Base is committed to pluralism and is founded upon three core values: hospitality, learning, and service.

  • Base Bay Area is on the Berkeley-Oakland border in Rockridge, home to Frankie, Elaina and their many beloved plants. R’ Frankie and Elaina are community builders, passionate educators, and deep lovers of Shabbos. They’d love to meet you whether you’re deep in Jewish community already or curious where to begin. Bring your questions, your passions and even your doubts — we will cook you dinner and dig in!
  • Various holiday events and shabbat, as well as more social events and learning
  • Contact: or

Gather connects Jewish young adults to each other, to Jewish organizations and initiatives, and to meaningful Jewish experiences in the East Bay. They form genuine, personal relationships with 20- and 30-somethings and introduce them to each other and to the offerings of the wider Jewish community. They keep their finger on the pulse of the community and connect you to the initiatives in Jewish life aligned with your values, interests, and goals.

  • Contact: Lena Sibony, the Community Coordinator, at

Urban Adamah is an educational farm and community center in Berkeley, California that integrates the practices of Jewish tradition, mindfulness, sustainable agriculture, and social action to build loving, just, and sustainable communities. 

  • Variety of events on the farm each month (usually sliding scale), including havdalah, Shabbat, gardening days, ect
  • Specific young adult weekend retreats
  • Contact: Kiki Lipsett, Young Adult Programs Director, at 

In SF, Reform congregation:

  • Late Shabbat the second Friday of every month at 8:30p.m., Join the Young Adult community of Congregation Emanu-El for a special Late Shabbat; a festive evening of music, worship, fun, and food. If you are looking to connect with other 20s & 30s in the Bay Area Jewish community, this is the place for you!
  • Various other social and religious events each month (on their linktree and social media)
  • Contact: Sarah Squarsino Overton at

Moishe House is an international non-profit organization made up of a collection of homes throughout the world that serve as hubs for the young adult Jewish community. There are Moishe Houses in Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco, and Contra Costa. Check them out for a variety of social and religious events each month!

At Honeymoon Israel (HMI), we use a highly subsidized group trip to Israel as a catalyst for building a lifelong Jewish community at home. Participants spend nine exhilarating days in Israel sharing fun, meaningful experiences with couples from their city. Then, the journey continues at home as we learn, grow, and explore together. HMI is so much more than a trip to Israel.