Donations for Israel

Our heart is with Israel right now in this terrible time. Imagine 9/11. Now multiply it by 12. This is what happened to Israel last weekend.

If you want to help and support us, please consider donating in the following ways:

  1. Donate to Kibbutz Kissufm, a Kibbutz that was targeted by Hamas attacks, and many of the residents have been displaced and left without basic needs. A Berkeley student, Amnon lived in the KIbbutz while he was a lone soldier and said:
    “Kibbutz Kissufim was my home as a lone soldier. The people there provided everything for me and my friends during my service, and now, my kibbutz needs help more than ever. On October 7th, terrorists attacked Kissufim, they destroyed homes and murdered innocent people. Those fortunate enough to be rescued are currently without basic necessities. Your donation or sharing this message with others would mean a lot to me. Thank you!” Click here to transfer money via Venmo. 
  2.  Donate to Brothers and Sisters for Israel, raising funds for procuring and distributing supplies to civilians and security personnel in the conflict zones. Our volunteers have created Israel’s largest depot of donated goods, and are making countless trips, distributing supplies, and in many cases extracting civilians. Monetary donations are tax-deductible in the United States.
    Click here to donate!
  3. Donate to JGive – Together We Will Win The National Emergency Fund was established to provide assistance to the victims of the recent horrific attacks on Israeli soil and the war that has ensued. All of the donations collected will be distributed to charities that offer relief services, welfare, equipment, food, and other necessities to the victims of the war and their families. Monetary donations are tax-deductible in the United States. Click here to donate!
  4. Do you prefer to buy supplies rather than donate money? IAC Massachusetts will ship supplies to Israel.
    “We are collecting donations to send to Israel items that are urgently needed. We have compiled a list. It is not final, and we are updating it all the time. You can either buy it on Amazon and ship it to IAC Newton, 1320 Centre Street, Suite 301, Newton, MA 02459. We are mostly in need of baby supplies (no food), hygiene supplies, underwear,  and socks. We are not able to send anything that contains alcohol. For example, hand sanitizers, sanitizing wipes, etc.”
    Amazon Wishlist here 
  5. What to make an impact and can’t donate? We need you on social media! You can find here posts, stories, and content to explain to your networks the horrors that have happened and continue in Israel right now – in many languages.