Hillel Softball Club

Never played? No problem! This is a space to meet people and create a team-building experience. So no worries, this is about learning the game and about each other.
Firstly, to purchase the IM Sports Season Pass click here. If the $25 dollar fee is of concern or a deterrent to your being on the team, please feel free to reach out. This should be a fun space and we don’t want anything to come in the way of that.
There are two ways to join the team on the IM Leagues website. You can:
- Click this link which will take you directly to our team after logging in.
- Go to the IM Leagues website with this link. Scroll down to “Softball”. Click “Open” and then scroll just a bit to the Wait List section and there you will see the “Hillel Softball Team” where you can select that and join.
Please reach out to Jonah Kligman with any questions at all or details of the league.
(747) 237-9818