On September 10th, Berkeley Hillel will join Tikkun HaYam – Repair the Sea, and Jewish communities around the world in the 6th Annual Reverse Tashlich, a global waterfront cleanup.

On Rosh HaShanah, in a ritual called Tashlich, it is customary to symbolically cast our “sins” into a body of water to begin the New Year with a clean heart. In 2016, while learning about Tashlich, students from Eckerd College Hillel’s Scubi Jew group questioned, with humans dumping billions of tons of trash into the ocean every year, why are we throwing more “sins” into the water? The students creatively decided to reverse the ritual and remove human “sins” (in the form of plastic and other marine debris) from the water during a cleanup of the waterfront on campus. Thus, the Reverse Tashlich began.

Meet at the Hillel building at 4 p.m. on 9/10 for some Jewish learning and intention setting. We’ll head out together around 4:30 p.m. for a beach cleanup at Albany Bulb. We’ll get back to campus around 6:30 – 7:00 p.m.

Register below!