New Student FAQs
Have you been wondering what to wear to Shabbat? How do you sign up for events? And what is the Jewish Community BBQ that everyone seems to be talking about? Find answers to these questions about Berkeley Hillel and more here!
A: 2736 Bancroft Way, Berkeley. All the way up Bancroft and across from the Law School. Head up the front steps and the DOFI (Director of First Impressions) will let you in!
A: Berkeley Hillel is not a club so there isn’t any required application or membership. Everyone is welcome. Arrive as you are and explore for yourself what it means to engage Jewishly!
A: Not at all! Come as you are, all Jewish backgrounds, experiences, and knowledge are encouraged and welcome to join in community here. You’ll find no two students have the same Jewish upbringing. If you are interested in learning more, you can always check out a Jewish Learning Fellowship!
A: Berkeley Hillel has a ton going on each week! The best place to see all the events for the month is on our calendar. Also, follow us on Instagram @Berkeleyhillel for the most up to date news and information about everything going on within our community!
A: Most of our events don’t require RSVP, just show up as you are. However, if they do, there will be a way to sign up via Instagram or the calendar. We’re in the process of rolling out a new RSVP system, so stay tuned for more info.
A: Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable and ready for Shabbat! This can be anything from a nice skirt or pants, to the jeans your wore to class.
A: Kabbalat Shabbat offers a joyful prayer space that incorporates songs and traditions from various Jewish practices. We strive to be inclusive and accessible to the whole community, and we thrive with your feedback! Interested in leading a part of the service? Want to bring a melody you love? A poem you want to share? Some words of Torah to teach? Let Rav Maya know, or be in touch if you want to learn how to do any of those things!
A: All food served at Berkeley Hillel is glatt-kosher and cooked by our team of student kitchen interns. If you’d like to learn more about our commitment to plant-based meals and high-welfare meat and eggs, visit the Food and Sustainability page. You can also View our Kashrut policy here. As people adhere to different authorities, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.