Danielle has spent over a decade working at the intersection of leadership and learning across the Jewish communal landscape, ranging from college students and emerging young professionals to entrepreneurs and Jewish communal leaders. She currently supports organizations to become great places to work, lead, and serve as the Director of Programs at Leading Edge. Her Hillel journey began as a student leader at Berkeley Hillel, which later led her to a career as a Hillel professional on campus at UCLA. She previously served as Director of the Springboard Fellowship at Hillel International, the largest early career development program in the Jewish nonprofit sector. As a proud Jew of Color, she advances DEI and racial equity across the Jewish community, including having designed and piloted the JOC Career Development Program with the Jews of Color Initiative to catalyze a more diverse and representative leadership pipeline. Danielle’s passion for music and Israeli dance has helped her enrich numerous Jewish communities through the arts, and her zest for learning has brought her into many meaningful cohort communities including the Wexner Field Fellowship and the Selah Leadership Program.